Discussion Starter: What type of Karabiner should you use on a cows tail?

February 04, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

I made a video about a year ago about the correct place to attach a Cows Tail, which for those who don't know is a safety device, often mis-used, to aid as a quick extender in Live bait rescue and has some other limited capabilities/applications.  In the course of that video I received a number of questions about the type of karabiner I use on the end of my Cows tail and I wanted to start some further discussion on the topic.  Whitewater kayaking has this convention of generally avoiding snap gate (also called non-locking) karabiners to avoid potential entaglement issues, especially in and around (potential) underwater obstructions.  In this video I outline why I make a choice to go against this norm.  I am absolutely not saying the choice I make is the choice everyone should make, I am really just trying to say that people should take a hard look at themselves, the type of paddling they are doing, the type of places they are generally paddling, what dangers they may encounter and decide for themselves.  Anyway, check out the video, leave a comment if you like.  I am certainly finding out about a lot of new things through there right now!



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