Truck Life Tour Supplemental 2. Holiday from a holiday. Whales, Dolphins, Segways n' Planes

April 14, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

untitled-04995untitled-04995 #TruckLifeTour Supplemental 2 is a brief recap of something keen readers of episode 5 will have picked up on. 

If you were reading carefully you will see I mentioned taking a break to go visit my parents.  Now you might be thinking things like “Is Brooke really that hard to live with?” and “You have only been going for a couple of weeks, why the sudden break?”.  The answer to these questions is simple.  No she is not that bad, and the short break was already planned.  



Originally I was supposed to be in Colombia until the end of March and then hang out with my parents for a week or so over easter before heading back to Canada for Stakeout.   But when the opportunity to join Brooke for what is now #TruckLifeTour, it felt like the right move and I changed tickets and cut my time in Colombia short.  But I am a terrible son, I always choose going kayaking instead of making time to see my parents, I rarely see them, I never call, I often forget to reply to my parents’s frequent email’s checking in on what I am up to.   And if my younger sister didn’t always have a good idea for joint birthday gifts that she usually sorts out I would probably have missed a couple of birthdays too!  It isn't that I do it all on purpose, I just often get caught up in gong kayaking all the time and then forget.  So I really had to not miss my scheduled time to see them this easter. Which is why #truckLifeTour had to take a little intermission.  


So what did I do whilst on a holiday from my holiday?  Well my Dad currently lives in Long Beach, California where my Mum was visiting whilst on Easter holidays from her work as a teacher in England.  So as places to hang out go, this one was pretty nice.  My mum had cooked up some fun activities for me and her to undertake whilst my dad was working in the day times.  She is a bit of a ninja at finding things to do in a given area using yelp/google/and her own witchcraft and usually at a good discount.  We went on a sick whale watching tour, which yielded epic results, we saw a ton of dolphins, fin whales and a mating pair of grey whales which is very unusual according to the crew members of the boat.  We also rallied a fun Segway tour of the beachfront area which wasn’t that informative as the ‘guide’ was pretty new on the job.  But it was sweet ripping Segways around at as high as speed as they would give out (around 12mph).  One of the top highlights came from my dad though.  Through his work he uses a high-tech simulator to teach people to fly some kind of small Gulf Stream jet.  I am not actually sure of the specifics of which jet. Once you get inside the machine it is basically exactly the same as being in the actual aircraft.  It uses theme park style technology to accurately pitch and yaw exactly like a real plane and then it uses large screens in the windows which render very accurate images of your surroundings.  This does mean you can fly some things which you wouldn’t usually want to attempt in a multi million dollar aircraft.  We took off from one of the New York airports, took a lap of Manhattan and flew under the Verrazano bridge.  Then after landing in Manhattan we reset the simulator for London Heathrow, did a few take offs and landings.  It was a super fun experience.  


We also had a couple of killer meals out, found a really good Italian place. My mum did a lot of epic cooking and of course a lot of tea drinking.  Below are a few photos.  Now I am back on tour and back on the way into Canada, with levels around the Ottawa just coming into the very high range there is a lot of exciting kayaking to come.  


Stay tuned for more on #TruckLifeTour and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @seth_ashworth for more regular updates.


untitled-0033486untitled-0033486DCIM\105GOPRO untitled-04731untitled-04731 untitled-04742untitled-04742 untitled-04832untitled-04832A breaching grey whale yesterday. We were lucky enough to see a mating pair just outside of #longbeach harbour. Workers on the whale watchign tour had never seen this before. #neato #neature #whale #greywhale #wildlife #travel #adventure #explore #USA #merica #igers #instagood #instatravel #instawow #instadaily untitled-04849untitled-04849 untitled-04867untitled-04867 untitled-05015untitled-05015 untitled-04911untitled-04911 untitled-05052untitled-05052#natureAF Dolphins are neat-o. #travel #adventure #explore #igers #instadaily #instanature #instatravel #dolphin # untitled-05137untitled-05137 untitled-05142untitled-05142 untitled-05198-Panountitled-05198-Pano untitled-05165untitled-05165


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